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Deal of the Day – Wet/Dry Electric Shaver
This Amazon’s Choice product is Philips Norelco Special Edition Star Wars Poe Wet & Dry Electric Shaver. It comes with a turbo mode and a precision trimmer.
Deal of the Day – Wireless Charging Stand
Today’s Deal of the Day features a Samsung wireless charging stand. Simply put your device on the stand and it will charge before your eyes! Very convenient.
Deal of the Day – Snowblowers and Shovels
Today’s Deal of the Day features Snow Joe snowblowers and some snow shovels. Great time to buy!
Deal of the Day – 30% off Recliners
Today’s Deal of the Day features 30%+ off of recliners! Some up to 56% off right now.
Deal of the Day – Portable Speakers
Today’s Deal of the Day features Ankerdirect portable speakers. Check out these deals!